prep time
15 minutes
cook time
15 minutes

power-packed ENERGY BARS 

Make these healthy and delicious energy bars with Del Monte sunflower seeds, Del Monte pumpkin seeds, Del Monte flax seeds, almonds, dried blueberries, unsweetened peanut butter, dates, honey, and sea salt.


2/3 Cup Pumpkin Seeds
1/4 Cup Sunflower Seeds
1/4 Cup Flax Seeds
1/4 Cup Almonds
1/3 Cup Dried Blueberries
1/3 Cup Unsweetened Peanut Butter
8 Seedless Dates
1/4 Cup Honey
- Pinch Of Salt


  1.  Dry roast the seeds and almonds in a pan, on a medium flame for about 3-4 minutes.
  2. In a blender jar, coarsely blend the dried blueberries, toasted seeds, almonds and dates.
  3.  Add the honey, peanut butter, salt to a pan, and heat until it melts and mixes well. Switch off the flame.
  4. Transfer the dry ingredients into this peanut butter-honey mixture and mix well.
  5. Press this sticky mixture into a flat tray lined with parchment paper or a baking tray.
  6. Refrigerate it for about 6 to 8 hours and cut into bars.

Enjoy your meal!

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